
What is Post Laminectomy Syndrome?

Failed back syndrome (FBS) pertains to chronic back and/or leg discomfort that happens after spinal surgery. Multiple aspects can contribute to the onset or development of FBS. Contributing aspects include but are not limited to residual or recurrent disc herniation, persistent post-operative pressure level on a spinal nerve, diminished joint mobility, joint hypermobility with unstableness, scar tissue (fibrosis), major depression, anxiety, sleeplessness and spinal muscular deconditioning. An individual may be prone to the development of FBS because of systemic disorders such as having diabetes, autoimmune disease and peripheral blood vessels (vascular) disease. Cigarette smoking can slow the patient’s recovery from this kind of surgery.Typical symptoms connected with FBS consist of diffused, dull and aching pain affecting the back and/or legs. Abnormal sensibility may entail acute, pricking, and stabbing pain in the extremities. Failed Back Syndrome should be evaluated and treated with an interdisciplinary strategy by a group of healthcare experts from diverse fields working together towards a common mission for the good of the individual. The therapeutic approach to FBS may range from non-surgical to surgical intervention. The term “post-laminectomy syndrome” is used by some medical professionals to imply the same condition as failed back syndrome.